Artist Statement When I was a child, my grandmother gave me a suitcase full of furs, pearls and colourful costumes from my grandfather’s days as an acrobat. I spent many happy hours playing dress-up and imaginary adventures. I was a great pretender and quickly became fascinated by the transformative power of fashion. It can change our view of the world and the world’s view of us.
I live in a world in which I explore the relationship between truth and fiction, and make the familiar seem a little strange. Most of all, I love to tell stories with my work and let the viewer find their own. I trust they find an interesting story in this self-portrait.
Further Insight Lynn Savery was born in Brighton in 1960 and moved to Australia in 1975. Currently living in Melbourne, she holds a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) and a Doctor of Philosophy in International Relations. In 2017, she decided it was time to devote herself to a passion she had long-neglected, painting.